Wednesday, September 8, 2010


What is PEACE? We may all have different views of peace, we all want peace. for me peace is world peace, spiritual, political, ect. I would like to have peace all over the world being albe to have this means that our world wouldn't have no enemys or nothing llike that.


  1. Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed.

  2. People in life make hero that make us better persons; the good thing is when we learn from are mistakes and help other to not make the same mistake agent. The bad thing is when you do nothing to solve the problem. That when good people and bad people fight for.

  3. Peace stands for better place,better life, and a better world that we the people should make for a better way to live.

  4. you are right chaparra....with peace everybody would be happy y no nos tenemos que estar escondiendo de la gente mala y andar cuidandonos de la violencia and watching our backs because somebody might just come and stab you or take ur belongings :)

  5. Youre right. Every individual has a different opinion on what peace stands for. I personally think peace is when there no violence or wars, also a sense of harmony and spritual peace in the world,

  6. peace can change our world but peace is what we don't never have. but right now violence and war is changing our lives
