Monday, October 25, 2010



Everyone THOUGHT & USED TO SEE EL PASO and our boarder country JUAREZ has a FREE and SAFE community but all the current events that have been occurring throw out this past year have showed us that that's not the way it is any more.

The past even that occurred this weekend was so horrible I cannot believe that people can ever do a thing like this and kill so many innocent people out there. This makes me sad to know that 14 young teens that had their future up head and without a chance to plan their future their lives were taken without any mercy. I'm a strong believer that everything happens for a reason but this didn't have to happen.

GOD protects everyone of us and he is always by our side and the people who killed all this people who had nothing to do with the drug cartel or anything like that had to suffer because of their stupidity, they should get punished the law has to send this people to jail without a bond they would have life sentence.

To be honest I do not think that we can ever bring peace back to Juarez because the own government is in it also, the soldiers and the regular police are with the cartels only to protect their own life’s they DO NOT CARE about the life of the citizens who are in their care. Events like this not only affect the families who were involved but also the whole world and our society as well.
This world is becoming a place of murder and terror but still people ask themselves is their hope? OR Can we find peace? I think that if we fight hard we can accomplish this and GOD is always by our side, he forgives us if we have sinned.


  1. It was such a shame to hear about the most recent event that happened it Juarez this past weekend. So many innocent people are being killed and it's frustrating that nothing is getting done to help them. I agree with you that everything happens for a reason and it's saddening that something this tragic has to happen as well. Hopefully if people fight hard, something good will come out of it and there can be hope for peace some day.

  2. I don't think that there will ever be peace in Juarez as well. the government and the political system is too corrupt. even a police officer in Juarez will kill you. if you are speeding, they will stop you and say "do you want the ticket? or do you have something to offer me?" some policeman even work for the drug cartel. with this corruption how does anyone expect the drug war to end?
