Monday, November 29, 2010


Opinion Paper
The two-peace activist that I’ve had research would be reacting in a matter of anger toward the following issues, women abuse and the rights for Hispanics. They would both feels as if what they did in the past didn’t make a difference to some citizens of this nation and I say this person that’s how it would make me feel if this had occurred to me. Within their time life was harder then now but they still managed to create peace and keep it that way but today’s citizens can’t do this.
In my own opinion I think that Nelson Mandela or Jane Addams would react to the resent events that are occurring now with great anger and disapproval at the same time. Both were all about peace and this past events are to total opposite violence, murders, gun shots, and many other events that are a big tragedy to our world. What they might do in reaction to this would probably be to march or speak out to the whole world and let them know what they think about this. This world hasn’t changed much since they were peace activist it the same old place were some races aren’t treated with respect of maybe categories with a name tag. Like for example the Hispanics are one of the biggest issue within the United States in my own opinion this races is the most hard working races because they have gone throw so much that all they want is to progress and continue with their education, and for this they have to work in any place where they get hired not mattering if they like it or not. But as see our own government doesn’t see this all they see are immigrants that are in a way steeling the jobs that others do not want. When Nelson would fight for his people’s rights none of this has change still today we have many people that fight for the rights of the Hispanics by doing this it shows us that we have our own peace actives in our era ourselves.
 Another issue that makes me thinks a lot and I think that Jane Addams would have been really interested would be abuse toward women or their children in today’s society. This is something that might be occurring as we speak as of now in any home, it doesn’t matter is your poor or rich this can happen to anyone. Women think its okay for their husband to hit them but it’s not its inhuman for them to do this. Jane Addams created a home for shelter and in today’s world we have plenty of organizations that help abused woman but there are lady’s how do not seek for help because they are afraid of the actions that their husbands might take. But I say one thing why live in a place where you and your own kids don’t feel secured and happy this is not good mentally of emotionally for either side.
Both peace activists in this situation would react as like any human would but they would do more than other would. If they would do this in my own opinion this world would be a better place to live in, where we wouldn’t have to worry about another child left without a mother because his dad killed her, or seeing a family get destroyed because the government decided to deport them not caring that almost all their life they have severed this country with great honor and respect. If we put our minds into it we can all make a difference in someone’s life it’s only a matter of a big or small action, we decide what we want for this world our only and only home.
Nelson and Jane were great people that did not care if their lives were endanger at a point all that was in their minds was to safe the rest who didn’t have the privilege to be happy, free. But maybe we can try to follow their same example even by doing a small action anything helps. Hispanics at times are treated almost has a form of a slave from time to time.
In conclusion I would like to say that this two-peace activist are great people who would do anything in order to help others. And the issues that I choose are strong and well know by our society. And if Jane Addams was still alive she would be really interested in the woman abuse issue that is occurring all over the nation between rich and poor’s. Class levels have nothing to do with it. And Nelson has always fought for human rights so I thought that he would be glad to help with the rights of Hispanics who are living in the United States. By helping them I believe that our nation would be much better and everyone would finally live in peace and harmony as a big happy family.

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