Monday, November 29, 2010


Date: September 14, 2010
To: English 1311 Students
From: Adela Salido
RE: Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services (DMRS)

The amounts of families that have several legal problems regarding immigration are alarming. Not a lot of organizations help families and individuals but the ones that do help the families are really expensive and how our economy is doing at this moment not a lot of people can afford it. Lucky for the poor immigrants and refugees there is the DMRS Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services that help anyone in need of legal orientation, with little cost or none what so ever the refugees can have the opportunity to become a resident or even a U.S. citizen with this they will gain many benefits. Legal and clinical services are provided they protect the right of immigrants.
The Diocesan Migrant and Refugee Services began providing legal services in 1987 in Central and South American refugees escaping from their war-torn counties.  It helps with resident status to undocumented immigrants and also agriculture works with in the United States. Over the years this organization was grown tremendously; it has expanded its services   to provide legal assistance to individuals and families facing removal (formerly deportation) from the U.S., individuals seeking to attain citizenship, and assistance with the family-based immigration process, with special focus on the unification and reunification of families and on victims of domestic violence and human trafficking.  DMRS also provides free citizenship and ESL/GED classes, community seminars etc., has provided services to up to 20,000 migrants within this region. This organization is a non-profit organization which relies on public and private sources of funding for its programs. 
My organization has different base units but the main organization is located on 2400 E. Yandell  its phone number is (915)532-3975 it’s informational web site is htt:// Several lawyers and social workers contribute to this organization to help families unite with their love ones; their organization makes the individuals who attend to their offices feel safe and construable. This organization wouldn’t be anything if there weren’t people who actually care of others and their legal status.
In conclusion organizations help people all over the world, it brings peace and it helps immigrants better themselves in varies ways. Anyone who is in this type of situation should seek for help and take advantage of all the help that is out there, if they don’t speak out how they will be helped. Proving help to the ones is need is the main purpose of all organizations and my organization not only helps them but also gives them the benefit of feeling more comfortable while living in the United States. This gives them opportunities to better their lives and give their children a much wealthier life, for example their kids would be able to attend college, travel and get to know many different states. Most organizations are non-profitable organizations which only make it hard to help people but this gives them strength to prove other that they can do it on their own.

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