Monday, November 29, 2010


 For me an for me is not really an enemy.. What im trying to say with this is that we as humans may or might say that we an enemy only because you dislike someone but that no reason why to hate them or consider them an enemy.. The ones who are on actual enemy would be a terrorist of the nation, who wants to warm other without a reason only for pleasure and so on.We do not really have enemies we only asume we do but come on look at it in other points of view not only the way you see it..


  1. I agree with you about an enemy being someone who wants to cause harm against another person for pleasure, but I disagree with you on the first part you wrote. I dont believe that an enemy is someone you dislike for no reason. I can say from experience that my enemies have caused me harm and continued to do it even after I would tell them to stop. Because they have caused me harm, I will always consider them an enemy.

  2. I Agree with you because enemies are people and they too have feelings....Terrorist are the ones we need to worry about and not the ones we so call enemies

  3. Yeah this is true we consider enemies only because we don't like them but its the most powerfull who really want to harm us that should be considered enemies.

  4. That is a natural social reaction that we have as human beings We have a defensive side that does not let us open with every person we meet. In a way it's good, because it protect us, but it also keeps us from getting to now people and making new friends.

  5. That it definitely true because, just for not liking something about someone or just not like him for his appereance you get yourselves thinking a person is your enemy just for small details eventhough your not actually know the that the enemy is the one whos is really trying to hurt you.

  6. That is very true, we all think that we have enemies when we really don't. It will probably only take a few words and heart full talk to know they are not enemies, and that our true enemies are terrorists and such.

  7. i agree with you i that we create enemies when reallly dont have any because we feel in some way we have to have a natural enemy
